Align everyone around the most important work.

OKR Dash is a free dashboard for managing your OKRs. Simply enter all your Objectives, quickly update Key Results as you go and visualise your progress over time.

Try it for free

OKR dashboard home screen

You achieve more when people work together

To make magic happen you need clear visibility of everyone's goals and how they connect.

But without a central place to put your objectives, everyone will march to their own drumbeat and you won't get anywhere.

And without a shared understanding of progress, you won't be able to make vital decisions to pivot or double-down and you risk not achieving anything.

Sound familiar? That's why we made OKR Dash. Here's how it works:

OKR tracker software

A simple structure

Everything in our OKR software is contained within a private and secure "workspace" for your company (or department).

People join that workspace, and are grouped into teams.

Teams work together on one or more OKRs.

And OKRs live within a business "cycle", whether that's monthly, quarterly or some other cadence.

Everything is configurable so you can get it set up just right for your company.

OKR best practice

Create high quality OKRs

Best practice is around 3-5 Objectives per team, with 3-5 Key Results per Objective. Less is more!

Create an OKR, choose which business cycle is lives in, and assign any teams working on it.

Our OKR tracking app supports a range of Key Result types including simple numeric values (with customisable units of measurement), binary milestones, delivery dates and cascaded KRs.

Key Results can have "start" and "target" values so you can set yourself a specific threshold to reach.

OKR progress tracking template

Visualise your progress

Easily update your OKRs and leave comments on what you've achieved. Progress towards the target is calculated automatically.

From your home screen, view the progress of each Objective overall and each Key Result individually.

Click into each Key Result to see a complete history of updates & comments.

And use our "big screen OKR dashboard" view to show your OKRs on TVs in your office, or in stakeholder presentations.


OKR Dash will always offer a free service designed for individual teams, and a Premium service for people who want an all-singing, all-dancing tool for their entire department or company.

  Standard    Premium

Add Users

Users can see, create and update OKRs within your Workspace

Max 10 Users   Unlimited


Max 3 per Cycle   Unlimited

Key Results

Max 3 per Objective   Unlimited

Create Cycles

A cycle is a business period during which OKRs are active, for example, a quarter


Dashboard View

Big screen layout for showing OKR status on a monitor or for stakeholder presentations


Cascaded Key Results

Link KRs to a child Objective, so you can link related effort together and roll up progress


Create Teams

Group users into Teams with their own profile page. Multiple Teams can work on each OKR



Email support any time and get priority response times, advice, help with setup, and whatever else you need.



Good for hobbyists: access to core features, with usage caps for a single team.

Sign up


£1 per user
per month

Best for professionals: full access to all features and no limits on users, teams or OKRs.

Purchase now

You will be charged monthly, and can cancel your subscription at any time. Full terms and conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is OKR Dash?

It is an OKR software tool for recording your Objectives and Key results, and tracking / visualising progress made as you work on them.

What are my payment options? What is the contract?

You can pay with a credit / debit card through Stripe. There's no contract - you will be charged monthly and can cancel any time. Full T&Cs.

Can I be billed in my local currency?

Not yet. We accept payment through Stripe in GBP. We'll be adding more currencies soon.

How do I cancel? Can I get a refund? Will I lose my data?

You can manage your subscription directly through Stripe's easy to use portal. We don't offer refunds. Any paid features or data will stop being accessible, but can be reactivated.

Do you provide customer support?

Yes. Premium customers can email any time and get priority support. We are very happy to help with setup, advice, or whatever else you need.

Can I add my team members?

Yes, your colleagues must be added into your Workspace so they can see, create and update OKRs.

How do I create a Cycle, or OKR, or Team?

Check out our Help pages for information on how to use OKR Dash. We are continually expanding our docs so you can get the best out of the tool.

Empower and turbo-charge your teams with OKR software

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