
  1. Your financial year
  2. Creating OKRs
  3. Key result types
  4. Editing OKRs
  5. Updating key results

Your financial year

OKRs are grouped according to "cycles". You can flip through the cycles to see past or upcoming OKRs.

Most companies run OKRs in quarters, but you might do monthly or annually, whatever suits you. Visit settings and create cycles.

Creating OKRs

To create a new OKR, go to the OKRs homepage and choose the cycle you want to create an OKR in. Press the "Create new OKR" button.

Enter the cycle that the OKR is within, and describe the OKR. This description should be an aspirational outcome, usually qualitatively phrased but could be enhanced with a specific metric or datapoint you're aiming for.

Next, press "Add key result" to add your first key result.

Each key result has:

  • Description: describe the key result - could be a metric you're going to move, a feature you're going to ship, some discovery or learning you're going to do or another deliverable output of some kind.

  • Type: we support a few different types of key result. See the next section for more detail.

  • Unit: for some OKR types you can specify the units the KR is measured in, for example "%" or "K" (thousands) or even "closed deals".

  • Start value: what is the current baseline value of the key result - for example if you're measuring a conversion rate, what is it now? For delivery key results this should be the start of the cycle.

  • Target value: what do you want to achieve by the end of the cycle - what does success look like this for key result?

Repeat this process to add as many key results as you need. We'd recommend between 3-5 key results per objective, having too many can dilute the effectiveness of the OKR.

When you're ready, press "Create OKR" to save everything.

Key result types

Number - numeric key results are good for tracking something you can count, for example features shipped, sales closed, people hired and so on.

Delivery - to track a delivery deadline. The start value should be the start of the cycle, or the day you start work on the project in the cycle. The target value is the day you plan to release or complete the project, and the current value (when you're updating the key result) is your current best estimate for when you'll deliver.

Milestone - these are binary achievements that are either 'not done' or 'completed'.

We calculate and show progress differently for key result types:

  • Number, Percentage and Milestone: we show progress towards reaching the target, as a % of the total.

  • Delivery: we show a traffic light status instead of progress, so you can see whether you're 'on track' or 'behind' to hit your delivery deadline.

Editing OKRs

You can edit the OKR at any time. Editing an OKR is about reconfiguring its parameters. To update a key result to record progress, see the next section.

To edit an OKR, go to the home screen and click on "Edit" on the right of the OKR you wish to change.

The edit screen is much like the screen for creating OKRs, and allows you to change all aspects of the OKR's definition.

Changing the type of any key results may change the current value of that key result. For example if you've got a delivery key result with dates in, and you change it to a milestone key result that is a binary flag, the dates will be wiped from the key result - the history of any updates to the current value is unaffected by this change.

Updating key results

As your team makes progress through the cycle you can update the current value of your key results to record your progress.

To update a key result, go to the home screen and click "Update" next to the relevant key result.

On the update screen you can see the details of the key result (description, type, start value and target value). You can also see the history of all updates made to the key result.

And of course you can update the current value - just enter the new value and press "Update KR". The new value will be validated according to the type of the key result and saved as a new history record.